
Friday, November 28, 2008


D and the other staff guy, R had lunch together somewhere
and went out for beer after work. Imagining that D would treat, I felt a little whiny about not being invited along.
D eats out/at home every day and most nights has a beer after work before picking his son up. He also keeps beer in the fridge at work and it disappears.
I got a call just before 4:30 about binding equipment for the home. $170-ish was the lowest priced one. She wanted lower.

I wonder if he would have taken C, the casual labour guy along too and treated him as well. Except C was in the hospital all day for some reason. He had a friend of his, M, pick up his cheque and said he'd see me on Monday.

M, I'd wager, smokes an equal amount as C does. A quick look at M, dressed in a nice red sweater and out-of-date black leather jacket (or back in style 80s Michael Jackson jacket with shoulder pads), neat haircut and I can tell he's from the same place as C. Probably an addict in recovery. M is handsome, and if his speech were smoother, could probably con the elderly out of some coin with his blue eyes and nice smile.
R is also a smoker but is stinkier than C or M. Maybe his girlfriend doesn't do his laundry regularly as he suggested.

L had popped in earlier. She succeeded in getting a 7 FT lighted Christmas tree from Canadian Tire that was on sale. I called her later as she had accidentally paid a bill dated December 26, 2008. She's recovering from a cold. Is it just me, or do people sound sexier when they have colds?
Yesterday, she told me her husband has been extra sucky ever since her sister-in-law (30) broke up with L's brother (4oish). Right before a large number of guests arrived, she told him, "I don't know who I am. I was afraid to tell you sooner." L doesn't want her husband to go overboard. To him, she would ask, "Who are you?" if he persisted in being extra-caring and in constant contact.
Thus the phrase, "Who just says it's over?" came up. But they talked and it is over.
Y and I haven't talked but it feels like it's over.
Time passes and I forget the things I wanted to talk with her about. The things that were important to me that I wanted to make clear.
It feels like she will never want to talk. After all, she and her singular ex aren't friends to this day and Y broke up with her for similar reasons.
Last night, somewhere between 3AM and 6AM, someone gently rang my buzzer. I wondered if it was Y. Perhaps that's why I dreamed of her and within my dream wondered if it was a mistake for our relationship to be over.

"Who just says it's over?" was a line that also appeared, I believe, in Synecdoche, New York.

I went through the Accounts Payable files today. Looking for something needed. Pulled out all the empty file folders and put them beside the duplicate file folders. Slowly organizing and improving upon the work those past receptionists/office managers have done before me. Removing extra, unneeded staples to save space in the folders. Seriously three staples for 2 sheets of paper?! I use a metal letter opener to remove the staples with a stabbing motion. Works nicely.

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